The Art of Optimization: Why you should take two roads in the woodsLeadership & Management, Organization, Culture & Change, Performance & Success"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the road less travelled ...Read More
Great strategy execution starts with strategy communication: 6 ideas to communicate your strategy in 2 minutes or lessLeadership & ManagementStrategy: the word has a powerful ring to it. However, having a strategy ...Read More
How to be an innovative leader: 9 strategies@Top Articles, Leadership & Management, Organization, Culture & ChangeEverybody is looking for innovation these days. But many leaders ask: ...Read More
Speak like a leader – Full day advanced seminar, March 28th, BrusselsCommunication & Presentation, Leadership & Management, ResourcesDo you have to to lead and convince others? Do you want to take your ...Read More
Is there a global leadership style?Global, Virtual and Remote World, Leadership & ManagementMany would say: No, no way! The world is so different. There are ...Read More
“Speak like a Leader” Full Day Advanced Seminar, December 8th, BrusselsCommunication & Presentation, Leadership & ManagementDo you have to to lead and convince others? Do you want to take your ...Read More
The Spaghetti principle for innovation and changeLeadership & Management, Organization, Culture & ChangeIn a meeting somebody said, in a somewhat condescending tone: "They ...Read More
10 strategies to grow as a leaderLeadership & Management, Performance & SuccessYou are a leader. You have done all the basic training. You have things ...Read More
Your leadership approach: where does it come from?Leadership & Management, Performance & SuccessThink about the way you conduct a meeting, talk to an employee, delegate ...Read More
How to coach yourselfLeadership & Management, Performance & SuccessMany leaders look for ways to improve themselves: To solve a difficult ...Read More
My new TEDx talk: Great leadership starts with self-leadershipLeadership & Management, Resources...Read More