Team building: Powerful tool or waste of time?@Top Articles, Leadership & Management, Organization, Culture & Change"Team-building": Whenever I utter these two words in front of a business ...Read More
The Psychology of Decision Making: Pitfalls and Strategies@Top Articles, Leadership & Management, Organization, Culture & Change, Performance & SuccessImagine the following situation, and try to answer the question for ...Read More
The one key ingredient for success you can learn from Ricky Gervais and “The Wire”@Top Articles, Communication & Presentation, Leadership & Management Do you know the TV series “The Wire”? Here’s the play: a ...Read More
Analyze your meetings: Three strategies for more impact@Top Articles, Communication & Presentation, Leadership & Management, Performance & SuccessOne of the key tasks of a leader is to participate in meetings. Here you ...Read More
The toothpaste principle of communication@Top Articles, Communication & Presentation, Leadership & Management A 2010 study by the American Management Association has ...Read More
The key element of business storytelling that we can learn from Pixar and Kurt Vonnegut@Top Articles, Communication & PresentationOur brains are wired to stories. Audiences -including business audiences- ...Read More
6 ideas to make “work from home” work@Top Articles, Global, Virtual and Remote World, Performance & SuccessHave you ever worked from home? If you are like the typical corporate ...Read More
A little-used question that saves time and leads to more engaged employees@Top Articles, Communication & Presentation, Leadership & Management, Organization, Culture & ChangeI have seen the following scenario quite often, both as a manager and as ...Read More
The surprising metric presenters should analyze@Top Articles, Communication & PresentationHave you ever wondered what leads to presentation success? There are of ...Read More
The magic preparation tip to be prepared for any presentation challenge@Top Articles, Communication & Presentation, Leadership & Management, Performance & SuccessHave you ever been interviewed or had a Q&A session after a conference ...Read More
3 Tips for Virtual Team Leaders@Top Articles, Global, Virtual and Remote WorldHave you ever led a virtual team? Are you working in or with a virtual ...Read More
3 things corporate leaders can learn from PechaKucha@Top Articles, Communication & Presentation, Global, Virtual and Remote World, Leadership & ManagementDo you want to spice up your presentations? Have you wondered how you can ...Read More