APS – Module 1

Welcome. Really great that you want to dive into the world of advanced speaking.

You are ahead of an interesting 7-week journey which will challenge you to truly explore the highest heights of the art of speaking.

Let’s look at the art of what is ahead in this course.

Part 1.1. VIDEO — Introduction to the Course

First, let’s book the coaching session where we want to review the first module. Please pick a time following the link below. You should schedule the link for when you plan to have completed the below exercises and preparations (but don’t take too long 🙂


Second, please download and print the work sheets. You will find the them via this download link:

APS – Handout Module 1

You will need to fill the worksheets in during every exercise. They are the key for a great experience. Every module there will have new elements of the workbook.

Think about the first exercise: What is your favourite TED talk (or other major presentation). Think about WHY? Write down at least 3-5 things that the speaker did to engage you and  to make you think this is the best talk ever.

Before we will dive into the advanced strategies for the presentation, let’s have a look at some key fundamentals of. Watch also my TEDx talks

Part 1.2. VIDEO — Your Objective

Part 1.3. VIDEO — The Headline Test

Part 1.4. VIDEO — The TV test

Part 1.5. VIDEO — The Audience

Your session

Now that you have conducted all of these tests it’s time for our first connect: make an appointment here with me via the tool below to discuss, explore and review the results of your first module.

I look forward to our session!