My top 10 book recommendations on advanced presenting & inspirational speaking

Below are my top ten books that I recommend for advanced presenters to take their presentations to the next level. Make sure that you study my basic top 10 books on presenting first. I have read & own all of these books – let me know if you have any questions on them.

What are your favourite books on the topic? I’d love to hear from you.

Christopher Booker – The Seven Basic Plots: Why we tell stories
Dave Meier – The Accelerated Learning Handbook
Lilly Walters – Secrets of Superstar Speakers
Judy Carter – Stand-Up Comedy. The Book.
Dan Roam – The Back of the Napkin
James C. Humes – Speak like Churchill, Stand like Lincoln
Garr Reynolds – The Naked Presenter
David Sibbet – Visual Leaders
Speakers Roundtable – Speaking Secrets of the Masters

The above book links will point you to where you can directly order these books via amazon with free shipping also to continental Europe. They are affiliate links.

My latest book on innovation leadership

Book on Leadership Communication


Watch my TEDx talk on Self-Leadership

Watch my TEDx talk on Public Speaking

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