Lars Sudmann is an expert on business leadership and communication, especially for global and virtual businesses and organizations.
He is a frequent speaker on major European and US-based conferences and his work was featured in international magazines like BBC and FastCompany.
Lars Sudmann speaks, trains, and consults on the below topics.
Business Leadership
Global collaboration for success – How international organisations thrive
Rapid Strategy Development – Getting clarity fast
Change & Crisis Leadership
Leading the Swarm – Making your organisation future-proof, innovative and agile
High Performance Decision Making
Building a High-Performance Culture
The Successful Virtual Organization – Potential and Requirements
Implementing a cost-focussed culture, including our workshop “Big savings ideas in one day”
People Leadership
Inspirational Leadership
High Performance Leadership
The Presence & Influence CODE
Leading Remote and Virtual Teams
The Inspiring Leader in the Virtual World
Communication & Presentation
Speak like a Leader – inspirational communication skills
Business Presentation Skills
Advanced Presentation & Communication Skills
Inspiring and Engaging Virtual Communication & Meetings
Self Leadership
The Art of Self Leadership in the 21st Century
Lead your Life to Balanced Success
Mentoring – the hidden tool for leadership success