We work with Fortune500 companies as well as high-performing SME’s.
In the past we have worked with the following leading clients and institutions:
Multinational Corporations
- Accor Group
- Air Liquide
- Arvato / Bertelsmann
- Bayer
- BNP Paribas Fortis
- Boehringer Ingelheim
- Bosch / Siemens
- Canon Group
- Cisco
- Coca Cola
- Delivery Hero
- Deloitte
- Deutsche Post / DHL
- Deutsche Telekom
- Engie / Electrabel
- General Electric
- HAVI Logistics International
- Henkel
- Infinium
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kantar Media
- Knauf Insulation
- KONE International
- Lloyds
- McDonald’s
- Mercedes Benz / AMG
- Merck Group
- Metro Group
- Michelin
- Microsoft
- Nestle
- Oracle
- Orange Telecom
- Procter & Gamble
- The Phoenix Pharma Group
- Robeco Investment Group
- Roche
- Sodexo
- The SAS Institute
- Shell
- Siemens
- Stada
- Takata
- Thomson Reuters
- T Systems
- Unilever
- USG People
- Vodafone
- And many more
European Institutions
- The European Commission
- The European Parliament
- Eurocontrol
- The European Investment Bank
- The European Central Bank
Universities & Academic Institutions
- RWTH Aachen University of Technology (Germany)
- University of Braunschweig (Germany)
- Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany)
- University of Leuven (Belgium)
- The Flemish Ph.D. network (Summer Lectures Network)
- DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
- The Conference Board
Associations & Conferences
- Flemish Management Association (vMA)
- INSEAD Alumni Association
- The Project Management Institute (PMI, in BE, NL, UK, DE, DK, FI, SE & the US)
- The ProjectZone Congress (Frankfurt)
- The Project Management Summit (Munich)
- Toastmasters International Convention (Orlando, Fl, USA)
- Toastmasters Leadership Institute (Poznan, Poland)
- The Belgian Data Quality Association
- The Association of Change Management Professionals
- The World Education Conference (WEC)
- Congrès du management de projet – Société suisse de management de projet (SMP)
- MasterCard TM Club
- Deloitte TM Club
- German Speakers Association Convention (GSA)
- The Global Speaker Federation summit (The Netherlands)
- PSA The Netherlands convention
- Junior Chamber International (JCI) – Belgium National Convention Keynote Speaker
- Junior Chamber International (JCI) – Brussels chapter
- Junior Chamber International (JCI) – Geneva chapter
- Business Association Buxtehude
- Meeting Planners International (MPI) – Denmark
- Meeting Planners International (MPI) – EMEC’12 Budapest
- Meeting Planners International (MPI) – EMEC’14 Istanbul
- IMEX – The International Meeting Exhibition
- The World Government Summit (Dubai)
- The GCCA Summit (Singapore)
- AIESEC Imagine Conference
- The Belgium Data Quality Association Congress
- The Solvay Business Game Conference
- Powertalks Vienna Business Federation
- The Turkish Connections Platform (TCP)
- JADE – Junior Enterprise Federation convention
- Vlerick Alumni Association
- CONAKO Conference Switzerland
- Engineers Association of Flanders (IE-Net)
- The Tech Startup Day (Belgium)
- TEDxFlanders
- TEDxGhent
- TEDxUHasselt
- Netzwerktage (IT Conference by ComConsult Research)
- PechaKucha Events in Maastricht, Frankfurt, Brussels
- The Marketing Club Düsseldorf
- The Marketing Club Aachen
- The Marketing Club Lüneburg
- The ELearning Guild International Convention (USA)
- And many more
SME's and Startups
- Innovatiepunt Flanders (Belgium)
- Effitrax (Belgium)
- CRIF Group (Germany)
- The Microsoft Innovation Center (Belgium)
- The EYIF Innovation unconvention (Belgium)
- The Pirate Cologne Startup Summit (Germany)
- jbs Behrens (Germany)
- The European AppCup, IACPM Summit
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers (USA)
- EPF Europe
- Zürcher Kantonalbank
- BetaCoworking Brussels
- IMEC (Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre)
- The Cronos Group (Belgium)
- Trash.out
- And many more